社会科学系为学生从事法律职业做准备, politics, public administration, the criminal justice system, human services, social work, activism, non-profits and social research.

The department offers majors in criminal justice, gender studies, political science, sociology and social justice. 计划攻读法学院的学生可以辅修我们的法律研究课程.

我们的课程优先考虑动手,实验的学习方法. 我们的毕业生通过实习为职业生涯和加拿大28网址院做好准备, service learning, study abroad, the global classroom and research.

  • Faculty

    Dr. Molly Clever,社会学和公共服务副教授
    Email: clever_m@cfematico.com
    Phone: 304-473-8093

    Email: martin.c@cfematico.com
    Phone: 304-473-8434

    Jessica Scott, Associate Professor of Gender Studies
    Email: scott_j@cfematico.com
    Phone: 304-473-8360

    Dr. Craig S. 社会学和刑事司法助理教授
    Email: wiernik.c@cfematico.com
    Phone: 304-473-8434


  • Majors
    • Criminal Justice – B.A.

      Students will:

      • Demonstrate knowledge of core concepts in the field, including: the structure and operation of the justice system, crime and its definitions, philosophies of punishment, justice, and deviance, 以及如何评估研究成果和应用研究方法,证明熟练的口头和书面沟通技巧和信息素养.
      • 通过参与研究认识并应用理论和实践, service learning, study abroad, civic engagement, and/or internships.
      • 识别并解释系统中每个组件的作用和限制.
      • 分析社会不平等和权力对司法系统功能和法律内容的作用和影响.
    • Political Science – B.A.

      Students will: 

      • Students will articulate central concepts, principles, and patterns of political behavior, evaluate research findings, 运用研究方法,表现出熟练的口头和书面沟通技巧.
      • 学生将批判性地分析和沟通相关地方的影响, national, and international political forces on individual, societal, economic and global structures.
      • 学生将通过参与研究来展示政治学知识, service learning, study abroad, civic engagement, and/or internships.


      我们鼓励有兴趣进入法学院学习的学生选修法律课程,并与Dr. Coty Martin, coordinator. 有关法律研究的信息可以在社会科学-未成年人中找到. 

    • Public Service – B.A.

      公共服务是一个促进公民参与的跨学科专业, public leadership, 通过社会公正和道德决策的框架赋予社区权力. Students learn critical thinking, empirical analysis, 以及项目实施和评估技能,以便为当地不同的社区服务, national, and global levels.

      公共服务专业为学生在政府部门的领导生涯做准备, NGOs, nonprofits, education, public policy, and social advocacy. Although an internship is not required, 鼓励学生寻求实习机会,并可在征得课程导师和系主任同意的情况下,用实习学分代替特定课程要求.


      Student Learning Outcomes:

      1. 确定并解释道德领导、公民责任和社会正义的原则.

      2. 分析公共政策对不同社会背景和群体的影响.

      3. 运用经验证据,在复杂的社会系统中制定有效的社会变革策略.

      4. 展示解决当地特定社会危害问题的道德方法, national, and international communities.

    • Sociology – B.A.

      Students will:

      • 学生将展示该领域核心原则的知识, including: familiarity with the social structure, culture, social institutions, theories and major theoretical paradigms.
      • 学生将能够运用社会学的想象力来分析文化, inequality, organization, and institutions (including family, education, and the economy), 是什么促进了文化相对主义和对多样性的接受.
      • 学生将了解社会分层和少数群体遇到的困难, and have an awareness of social problems in global society.
      • 学生将展示有效的写作和口头沟通技巧, to include an understanding of the research process, 并展示深造或职业所需的知识.
    • Gender Studies - B.A.

      性别是组织社会关系的主要类别之一,对性别的研究揭示了权力关系的政治功能,以及个人在其特定语境中谈判这些关系的方式. 性别研究认识到知识生产在日常生活和体制实践的运作方面具有变革性的能力.

      我们的性别研究项目包括一系列学科的课程. 这使学生能够通过性别经验使用交叉方法分析权力系统, race, class, sexuality, ability, and religion.

      学生正式代表学院参加区域研究会议, and have successfully continued to pursue graduate study. Course work in Gender Studies focuses on events, movements, people, and politics both historical and contemporary; irreverent and sacred; creative and practical; canonical and obscure. In addition, 性别研究专业的学生在建立和维持校园组织方面发挥了重要作用,这些组织支持他们在课堂上所做的理论工作.

  • Minors
    • Criminal Justice

      Students will: 

      • Demonstrate knowledge of core concepts in the field, including: the structure and operation of the justice system, crime and its definitions, philosophies of punishment, justice, and deviance, 以及如何评估研究成果和应用研究方法,证明熟练的口头和书面沟通技巧和信息素养.
      • 通过参与研究认识并应用理论和实践, service learning, study abroad, civic engagement, and/or internships.
      • 识别并解释系统中每个组件的作用和限制.
      • 分析社会不平等和权力对司法系统功能和法律内容的作用和影响.
    • Political Science

      Students will: 

      • Students will articulate central concepts, principles, and patterns of political behavior, evaluate research findings, 运用研究方法,表现出熟练的口头和书面沟通技巧.
      • 学生将批判性地分析和沟通相关地方的影响, national, and international political forces on individual, societal, economic and global structures.
      • 学生将通过参与研究来展示政治学知识, service learning, study abroad, civic engagement, and/or internships.
    • Public Service

      公共服务是一个促进公民参与的跨学科专业, public leadership, 通过社会公正和道德决策的框架赋予社区权力. Students learn critical thinking, empirical analysis, 以及项目实施和评估技能,以便为当地不同的社区服务, national, and global levels.

      公共服务专业为学生在政府部门的领导生涯做准备, NGOs, nonprofits, education, public policy, and social advocacy. Although an internship is not required, 鼓励学生寻求实习机会,并可在征得课程导师和系主任同意的情况下,用实习学分代替特定课程要求.


      Student Learning Outcomes:

      1. 确定并解释道德领导、公民责任和社会正义的原则.

      2. 分析公共政策对不同社会背景和群体的影响.

      3. 运用经验证据,在复杂的社会系统中制定有效的社会变革策略.

      4. 展示解决当地特定社会危害问题的道德方法, national, and international communities.

    • Sociology

      Students will: 

      • 学生将展示该领域核心原则的知识, including: familiarity with the social structure, culture, social institutions, theories and major theoretical paradigms.
      • 学生将能够运用社会学的想象力来分析文化, inequality, organization, and institutions (including family, education, and the economy), 是什么促进了文化相对主义和对多样性的接受.
      • 学生将了解社会分层和少数群体遇到的困难, and have an awareness of social problems in global society.
      • 学生将展示有效的写作和口头沟通技巧, to include an understanding of the research process, 并展示深造或职业所需的知识.
    • Legal Studies

      Legal Studies

      最近,西弗吉尼亚加拿大28网址开设了一门法律研究辅修课程,作为他们申请和进入法学院的预备课程. Dr. Martin (martin.c@cfematico.com)目前担任项目协调员,并与多个部门的教师合作,为学生提供社会科学领域的各种课程, Business, History, Communications, and English departments at Wesleyan. Dr. 马丁每学期还协调一系列活动,为学生提供与法律领域的卫斯理校友互动的机会, those working in public and private practices and positions, LSAT workshops with former students now in law school, 和法律相关的电影之夜(从《加拿大28网址》到《加拿大28网址》). Information about the required courses can be found below:


      Required Core Courses (12 Hours)

      • BUSI 250: Legal Environment of Business
      • POLS 215: Constitutional Law
      • CJUS 260: Criminal Law & Procedures
      • POLS 348: International Law & Human Rights OR HIST 360: American Legal History 

      Electives Group 1 (3 Hours)

      • COMM 226: Argument and Evidence
      • ECON 331: International Economics
      • ECON 333: Environmental Economics 
      • ECON 361: Public Sector Economics
      • Any 300-Level English Literature Course 

      Electives Group 2 (3 Hours)

      • HIST 252: Women’s Rights Movement in America
      • HIST 269: African-American History 
      • HIST 360: American Legal History 
      • HIST 345: Sexuality in American History 
      • POLS 265: International Organizations
      • POLS 328: Environmental Law & Politics